Installation of Jack-Up Floating Floors on Level 14, Greenford Green Block 8, London

Greenford Green Block 8 – London

Mason UK were contracted for the third time by Tide Construction on the Greenford Green Development to provide 470 square metres of Jack Up Concrete Floating Floors for the Level 14 Gym and Amenity Areas specified by RBA Acoustics and HTA Architects on Block 8 of the Development.

Following successful installations on Blocks One and Four, a similar design was adopted. The bulk of the area installed used the Mason FSN LDS rubber jack up system with a 100mm thick reinforced concrete floating floor and a 130mm high air gap. For the free weights area the Mason FS spring jack up system was preferred as this is more suitable for isolating impact forces from the dropping of “Free Weights” typically experienced within these areas.

For both systems, to accommodate services and provide power and data to floor boxes for cardio machines, the jacks were installed on a series of dense concrete blocks, laid to our design. This zone was later filled with a lightweight insulating aggregate.

Perimeter isolation material and a clear polythene separating membrane were laid across the area followed by the Jacks which were placed on the concrete blocks and tied in place with both reinforcing bars and mesh.

To reach the 14th floor Mason UK ordered the largest mobile M65 boom pump available within the UK to access the area. Additional pipeline was run from the boom to the furthest floor extents.

Without the need for a costly timber form, the jack up system is extremely quick to install. 470m2 of floor was prepared and poured in only 7 working days. The concrete was poured in a single operation and completed in a few hours.

Once the concrete had cured sufficiently to enable the floor to be jacked, Mason returned to site and with a team of workers and lifted the floor to provide the 130mm air gap. The most common air gaps are 50 or 100mm. To achieve the additional lift, longer jacking bolts were supplied. The whole area was lifted in 3 days. Tide Construction were very complementary of our service, and we look forward to working with them again soon.

See a video that provides more information and shows the installation of this project below:

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Jack-Up Spring Floating Floors

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